Wednesday, 20 April 2011

What Is A QR Code And Why Do You Need One?

The newest trend in the industry today and the future of mobilized marketing
is the unleashing power of the QR code idea and its mass acceptance not jsut by the BRAND, PRODUCT and MARKETING MANAGERS of the world but also the consumers alike, especially the youth and the working executives

The thought therefore in to understand the concept and the technology that goes behind a successful QR code utilization. But before that do we all actually know what they are?

Well let me simplify that for you here in this post

The Origins of QR Codes
QR code or a Quick Response code (as the creator intended it to be decoded at high speeds), is a specific two-dimensional bar-code, readable by dedicated QR bar-code readers and camera phones. It was created by Toyota’s, Denso-Wave in 1994, the QR code is one of the most popular types of two-dimensional bar-codes. QR codes can be used to display text, to open a URL or to compose an email or SMS.

How QR Codes Work?
A QR code uses the act of linking from physical world objects, known as a hardlink or physical world hyperlinks. Users with a camera phone equipped with the correct reader application can scan the image of the QR Code to display text, contact information, or open a web page. 

How is a QR code structured?

Codes could be used:
  1. Business card
  2. Brochures and other marketing materials
  3. The sides of trucks and trailers
  4. Product tags and packaging
  5. Point-of-sale receipts

QR Codes could link to:
  1. Installation instructions
  2. Sources for service
  3. The process for hiring your professional services
  4. Valuable coupons and special offers
  5. Free mp3 downloads
  6. Customer feedback forms

Examples of QR Codes and Mobilized Marketing

The biggest question of it all.... is QR code for me?
Well to be very honest, if you are targeting the young, educated, upwardly mobile, affluent and informed audience, you definitely need to think seriously about investing in a QR code. An independent research says that 40% of buying decisions are made through research on the internet and mobile. Now that is a huge number of audience considering we are a 120 billion citizen country.  

Internationally, marketers are putting QR Codes on signs, business cards, flyers, practically everything to give potential audiences another option to network and find out more information.  QR Codes really are marketers new best friend because it’s just an extended marketing tool and another way to promote yourself, your brand and your business.  The great thing about QR Codes is that you can control and guide the “scanner” anywhere you’d like.  You can take them to your website, your blog, a YouTube video, your virtual business card, or any other destination you would like your audiences to see about you.  

The Indian side of QR. How these codes may prove advantageous to the marketers
QR codes—if promoted correctly—offer the potential of being very useful and popular in India. India has a very large number of mobile phones users, many of whose instruments are also camera phones. Almost 20% of these phones are GPRS connected. This number is expected to increase in the future. Also, India is a country of many languages and owing to its diverse challenges, throws up interesting opportunities. To give you an example, You may be looking at a poster at Ameerpet that is about an Ayurvedic Hospital somewhere in Andhra Pradesh. You may want to learn more about it, but are unable to do so as the text in the hoarding is in a language that you cannot read. But what if the bottom of the poster contained four distinct QR codes — one each for Hindi, Urdu, English and Tamil? Well, you would just need to point your phone towards the QR code and read the information in the language of your choice.

How do you get started?
There are thousands of QR Code generators out there that you can use for free.  The only problem about the free generators is that you have no idea who is scanning them!  One practice that I strongly believe in marketing is that in order for something to be successful, you need to be able to measure how effective it really is.  Example:  Google Analytics on a website.  That will allow you to measure your entire website’s information.  With QR Codes, the same thing applies.  You need to be able to measure who is scanning them, where they’re scanning them, and how effective is this marketing tool.

An application that I’ve found to be far superior to the rest is iFlyMobi.  This allows me to create QR Codes that lead to mobilized websites or mobilized business cards. The reason why I chose iFlyMobi is so I can track the information and see who is scanning my QR Codes.  If I go to an event or a speak somewhere and hand out 50 brochures with a QR Code on it, I want to know who is seriously interested in those brochures and my services!  Let’s say I did hand out those 50 brochures, iFlyMobi allows me to see who scanned the QR Code on the brochure, how many times they were scanned, and where they scanned it.  If you don’t think that’s important marketing information, you’re crazy.  This way you can find your target audience easier and provide them with more information to turn the inquiry into a sale.  Learn more about iFlyMobi HERE!

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